The Luna Moth (Actias luna) is a very elegant looking silk moth. The larvae feed on sweet gum, hickory, walnut and persimmon but the adults do not feed or drink, in fact, they have no mouth and live only one week.
They are a magnificent seafoam green with four eye spots and have a wing span of 4" to 5" but are rarely seen because they fly only at night.
- This design is available for the 5" x 7" hoop.
- The sewn out size is 5.09" W x 6.28" H with 7,767 stitches.
- This design has 1 thread color.
You must have an embroidery machine to utilize our machine embroidery designs. We sell machine embroidery designs as electronic media (software) only. We do not sell embroidered "patches" or hard copy patterns.