Penny-farthing, high wheel, high wheeler all terms used to describe a type of bicycle with a large front wheel and a much smaller rear wheel that was popular in the 1880s. They were the first machines to be called bicycles.
The term penny-farthing comes from the British penny and farthing coins, one much larger than the other, so that the side view resembles a penny leading a farthing.
- This design is available for the 4" x 4" hoop.
- The sewn out size is 3.41" W x 2.89" H with 4,617 stitches.
- This design has 1 thread color.
You must have an embroidery machine to utilize our machine embroidery designs. We sell machine embroidery designs as electronic media (software) only. We do not sell embroidered "patches" or hard copy patterns.