Mens' Room Symbol
We received an email asking for the universally recognized mens' room and
ladies' room symbols. The white areas are not stitched, your fabric will show.
- This design is available for the 4" x 4" hoop.
- The sewn out size is 3.27" W x 3.27" H with 5,301 stitches.
- The sewn out size of the male figure is 1.05" W x 2.68" H.
- This design has 2 thread colors.
- Note: The border sews last so you can elect not to it stitch for your project.
- This design is also available in a mini-set with the ladies' room symbol.
You must have an embroidery machine to utilize our machine embroidery designs. We sell machine embroidery designs as electronic media (software) only. We do not sell embroidered "patches" or hard copy patterns.