Windstar Embroidery Designs

Julian of Norwich Icon

Julian of Norwich (1342-c.1416) is known to us almost only through her book, The Revelations of Divine Love, which is widely acknowledged as one of the great classics of the spiritual life. She is thought to have been the first woman to write a book in English which has survived.
We do not know Julian's actual name but her name is taken from St. Julian's Church in Norwich where she lived as an anchoress for most of her life. We know from the medieval literary work, The Book of Margery Kempe, that Julian was known as a spiritual counsellor. People would come to her cell in Norwich to seek advice. At the time, the citizens of Norwich suffered from plague and poverty, as well as a famine, so she must have counselled a lot of people in pain. Yet, her writings are suffused with hope and trust in God's goodness.
Interest in Julian's writings has grown over recent decades as more and more people have discovered the significance of her book. Her lyrical language and positive image of God speak to the modern reader.
Source - The Julian Center
  • This design is available for the 4" x 4", 5" x 7", 6.25" x 10.25" and 7.75" x 11.75" hoops.
  • The sewn out size for the 4" x 4" hoop is 3.05" W x 3.83" H with 25,681 stitches.
  • The sewn out size for the 5" x 7" hoop is 4.78" W x 6.01" H with 53,220 stitches.
  • The sewn out size for the 6.25" x 10.25" hoop is 6.05" W x 7.61" H with 80,412 stitches.
  • The sewn out size for the 7.75" x 11.75" hoop is 7.50" W x 9.43" H with 120,186 stitches.
  • This design has 19 thread colors.
  • Due to the complexity of this design there are numerous color changes.
  • We recommend this design for experienced embroiderers.

You must have an embroidery machine to utilize our machine embroidery designs. We sell machine embroidery designs as electronic media (software) only. We do not sell embroidered "patches" or hard copy patterns.

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  • Thread chart included
  • Design ID: 5768
  • Price: $15.00
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