Verd Mont was a name given to the Green Mountains in October, 1761, by the Rev. Dr. Peters, the first clergyman who paid a visit to the 30,000 settlers in that country.
The ceremony was performed on the top of a rock standing on a high mountain, then named Mount Pisgah because it provided a clear sight of lake Champlain at the west, and of the Connecticut river at the east, and overlooked all the trees and hills in the vast wilderness at the north and south.
- This design is available for the 4" x 4" and 5" x 7" hoops.
- The sewn out size for the 4" x 4" hoop is 3.63" W x 3.02" H with 6,414 stitches.
- The sewn out size for the 5" x 7" hoop is 5.96" W x 4.96" H with 9,939 stitches.
- This design has 6 thread colors.
You must have an embroidery machine to utilize our machine embroidery designs. We sell machine embroidery designs as electronic media (software) only. We do not sell embroidered "patches" or hard copy patterns.